Yesterday I learned how to whistle using an acorn cap! I also received my new slippers in the mail. They're so super comfy! They'll be perfect for cold wet mornings.
This week I was on shower detail. My partner Shaneccia showed me the basic steps, but I was able to find another way. The girls seem surprised that I'll get down on my hands and knees to clean. It's a bit rushed in the morning since I can't change right into my khakis before detail, but I haven't been late yet!
I also got a voice mail from my recruiter, Ms. Collins. It made me feel extra special to hear her cheering me on, knowing that she's definitely in my corner, and I need to make a point to touch base with her.
Today I received the wire components that not only make my phone hands free, but can help me use it as an MP3 player! So much easier to share my music with friends now! I wish I knew who sent it though, there wasn't any note of who... A big thanks and I love you, anyway!!
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