Friday, February 4, 2011

Today at Job Corps, I took my TABE test. It's basically an opportunity to test out of the core education classes. As to how I did... Let's just say some of the other students were saying 'Tutor me. Please'.

I got my TB and STD/Drug results back. They didn't start screaming, so I guess I'm clear.

We toured a few of the trades today, which means the head instructors gave us a brief overview of the class. I already know what to expect from Culinary, but surprisingly I also find myself drawn to Urban Forestry. Weird, but I'll go with it... I have Monday to check out the rest of the trades, and then Tues - Thurs is dedicated to exploring each of my first three choices. In other words, working a day in each. Fun e.e;

Lastly, we got our official PineKnot IDs and our first payday! But my picture sucked :( And since the rest of the center doesn't get paid until this coming Tuesday, that means I have to wait longer for my next payday :(

The center is encouraging us to join some of the teams that make money so that we can earn a little extra - like, there's a fire team that goes out about three days every week, and it pays well, but the work's tough. There's a camping team that's easier, but pays less. Hmm, gotta weigh my options...

There's a centerwide talent contest for Black History Month. The subject matter has to concern someone from - you guessed it - black history. ... I wonder if I would get lynched or beaten up for singing Billie Holiday's 'Strange Fruit'...

And so the weekend is upon me. The girls have warned me that it gets pretty boring on center. I'm hoping for a chance to just chill in my room. I need to do my laundry at least before Sunday. Maybe I'll actually get a feel for how detail duty works before Monday strikes...