TGIF! It's been a long boring week, as I predicted, but not without its moments. My CPP brother Mikhail and I read through more of 'Brisingr' together - he loves to listen to me read aloud. My CPP brother Awan has been a little pestering this week, but Rade (yet another CPP brother, & the first one I met) looks after me. I've watched movies about Nazis & the end of the world, & also about self-esteem & drugs.
My friends were a little surprised & disappointed that I wouldn't be going on the movie trip this afternoon, but I really just wanna chill for now. I'll probably go to the rec center & make dreamcatchers for a while. Next week they're supposed to do lanyards, which would be great for my locker keychain. Life is thankfully more busy here than I expected it to be, & I've made several fast friends more quickly than I expected. All of it keeps my mind off the fact that I'm in a strange place, roughly 1,000 miles from home... If I stop to think about it, I miss everyone & everything, but that's as far as I let it go.
Yesterday I got a card from Grandma, wishing me lots of good luck & love. I love you too, Grandma! (Thanks for the extra $5, I'll put it toward my new tennis shoes when I get them!)
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