Today I chose my three trades for the last time. Since I have a wait for the first two, I'll have to study Union Painting till the others open up. I also made a new friend - he reminds me of people back home, but especially of Zeke and Tomo, with their love for gaming, intelligence, and wit. (I miss you both, btw!) We spent the afternoon watching movies in the rec center, which I can count as hours toward my ESP review. ( Yes, that's a good thing! )
My pack test starts at 9 am tomorrow morning. The tennis shoes I've borrowed from the rec center are amazing! And tomorrow night is the VDay dance on campus. I kinda want to chill in the dorm, but some of the girls wanna take me to party with them. I'm a little nervous...
Time to get some sleep so I'll be fresh for the pack test. Goodnight everyone!
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