Monday, June 6, 2011

A Good Day

Three wonderful things happened today.

First... I worked with Leah on 2nd shift. It was her first ever shift, and it was just the two of us, so I worked extra hard. It felt SO good!!

Second... The results of the ServSafe certification test came in. Bo (my instructor) didn't give me my exact score, but he did tell me that I passed! I am now officially ServSafe certified!

Third... Today was the monthly Awards ceremony. I was awarded Best Dressed in the Humphrey Hall dorm for the month of May! And, as a bonus, Humphrey Hall also won Dorm of the Month, adding a keen $300 to our dorm funds!

Needless to say, a very nice day. The only thing that could make it better is if it weren't Humphrey Hall's gym night... My feet are killing me from shift!!