Sunday, May 8, 2011

New wishlist!
-Melaleuca Lip Conditioner. My stick is running low.
-Melaleuca Toothpaste. FreshMint (blue), not SpearMint (green). The gum was super tasty too, but I'd prefer the breathspray.
-New palette of eye makeup. I can't go around looking like a diva every time I choose to pretty up; gotta save some for stage :P

Camp Crew was less work than I expected, but oh my gosh, the climate! I can live with the 90 degree days and the 20 degree nights, but it was so freakin' dry! My nose bled every other day, and I was half sick with the temperature changes. I even lost my voice for a while there. But when I got it back, everyone kept asking me to sing each morning. One firefighter actually gave me a dollar for singing; I was so embarrassed!

I still feel very discombobulated after the breakup with Alex. I was working so hard to make a future with him possible, so now I feel like I have to recalibrate my entire plan for myself... I'm just happy we've stayed close. He really is the best thing that's ever happened to me.

To anyone who didn't hear it from me before, Happy mOther's Day!! I LOVE YOU BUNCHES!