( I realize I promised this blog would be done by yesterday. Just pretend it was...)
Monday was Awards Day on campus, held monthly. I was selected as one of the CPP Students of the Month for February, by my two Education instructors, Mr. Brown and Mr. Daughtry. Hopefully, many more awards wait in my future!
Yesterday was payday and my second day of KP. I'm not as sore as I was Monday, but I definitely feel like my back could break at any given moment as I work in the dishpit. (Bleh.) Still, it's only a week, so I'll muddle through.
Today I also received my ASVAB results: an overall 94! I had about ten people drop their mouths open at the score! I'm not really interested in joining the military, though...
Another wishlist! (Gosh I'm needy :P)
-A dictionary! I introduced my CPP brother Rade to the alphabet game, and we're driving each other crazy! He's going in culinary too, so I need the extra help
-A 'mimikaki', or ear cleaner. Don't know if you can find these anywhere in stores, but they're definitely available on JBox.com. I misplaced mine, and my ears are bothering me again.
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