Thursday, April 21, 2011

Between my phone being replaced and being on shift, it's been difficult for me to want to write on this blog again.

This is Tim's last week on center; he graduates on Friday, and then he'll go back to Versailles, KY. We've made sure that we'll be able to keep in touch, but I'm still going to miss him very much.

So many people are leaving just as I got here, it seems. It begs the question: Why bother networking? It's gotten too painful for me to make friends and then lose them so quickly. Maybe I'll just absorb myself in extra duties; it might get me noticed for leadership or something...

For the first time since I got here, I've found myself missing home. Luckily, it's only another handful of weeks until we go on summer break :) even shorter until I perform with Mike McCarroll again.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Peatburn on Thursday was a bust! We got all the way there, only to have them tell us, "Oh, we don't need you now, it's been canceled." On the upside, during the drive back, I heard the song "Gimme That Wink" on the radio! I haven't heard that son on the radio since I was a girl in Key West! It really made my day.

It's been two months since I got here, & it already feels like home. The center supervisor, called "Dad" because of his initials, really meets a lot of people on their level. He's lots of fun. The rules are at a constant level similar to a high school, for the simple fact that it houses a piece of the school system, which makes it hard to give anyone a hug if they're opposite sex...

And my phone has decided it wants to die now. Hopefully the new phone my mom's ordered will come in really soon!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Figured out why my phone's been acting up. It'll hold out a while longer....

This past weekend was a little dull. Mostly I kept busy by watching movies with Tim Walton. Hopefully as the weather warms up, we can get in some tennis games before Walton graduates at the end of April. But the weather here is more schizo than Georgia! It snowed this past week yet again. My instructor thinks that's the last of it, though.

Walton's decided to try to take my mind off of Alex by taking me to London, KY on weekend pass. Since I hold a bronze Color Card, I get two weekend passes every month, so it's all good.

A few wishlist pieces...
- Pens. Good ones, superfine tips would be nice, either black or blue ink. I need them for outlining sketches & for labeling foods in the kitchens when I'm on shift.
- A change sorter to keep on my closet shelf. I always have a handful of change left over from payday, & my changepurse is getting full...

How is my closet not full yet? All I can say is, thanks for the door organizer, Mom - it's been a lifesaver!

Tomorrow I go out on a peatburn with the fire team, so I need all my rest. Ni ni!